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Eric and Enide

Eric and Enide

Eric and Enide
Author: Chretien de Troyes, 12th century
Genre: Medieval Romance, 12th century
Reading Time: Approx. 3 hrs
Audio: Approx. 1 hr 10 min

This page includes the audio, background, and link to the text for the classic love story of Eric and Enide.


The following audio links to StoryNory are an excellent retelling of this famous classic:

Part I: The Marriage of Eric and Enide (27 min)

Part II: The Quest of Eric and Enide (17 min)

Part III: The Journey of Eric and Enide (26 min)


This classic love story was written by the French poet, Cheretien de Troyes, in the 12th century.  The story is also found in the Mabinogion, a collection of stories from around the 13th and 14th century, where the lovers are named Geraint and Enid. Lord Alfred Tennyson also wrote about Geraint and Enid in his collection of poems called Idylls of the King.


Visit Gutenberg.org to find the story of Erec and Enide in modern English (lines 1-6958 are the story of Erec and Enide).


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