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Christian Passover Meal

Christian Passover Meal

Here you will find everything you need to plan an easy Christian Passover meal, also called a Seder. There is a checklist for supplies and set-up below. For the meal, we provide a link to a Jews for Jesus video called Christ in the Passover to guide you through a traditional meal while revealing how each step points to Christ.
Christian Passover Meal

Here is a supply and prep list for conducting an at-home Passover meal led by David Brickner, executive director for Jews for Jesus, in the video Christ in the Passover.


Small Pillows (for the chairs of all guests)
Grape Juice or Wine
Matzoh Bread (or crackers)
Seder Plate Items . . .

Karpas (parsley)
Maror (horseradish)
Charoset (mixture of diced apples, raisins, walnuts, and honey)
Chazevet (horseradish root – you can substitute romaine lettuce or an onion)
Chagigah (hard-boiled egg)
Z’roah (shank bone – you can just use a bone from a rotisserie chicken)

Matzoh Tosh (bag to hold 3 pieces of Matzoh – you can just use a Ziploc bag with each piece of Matzoh divided with a napkin)
Afikoman (bag to hide one piece of Matzoh — again you can just use a Ziploc bag)
A special treat or gift – you will be hiding one of the pieces of Matzoh and giving a prize to whoever finds it.
Food for dinner – you can find traditional Jewish recipes at Jews for Jesus Passover Recipes.
For dessert, I recommend this Lamb Cake to remember Jesus, our Passover Lamb.


Set up a phone or computer for watching the video Christ in the Passover to guide you through the Passover meal.

Optional: Cue up music, compliments of Jews for Jesus, for your celebration: Passover Music

Set candles on your dinner table.

Set a small pillow against the back of each chair.

Set grape juice (or wine) and Matzah bread on the table.

Put each of the six “seder plate” items (karpas – z’roah) in small bowls and set them in the middle of your dinner table – you can print out this free Scholastic Seder Plate Coloring Page as a guide.
Seder Plate PrintableIf you want to order a plate, I recommend this Seder Plate on Amazon.

Place the Matzoh Tosh and the Afikoman bags on the table.

Prepare dinner and dessert.

If you would like to get a “Haggadah” guide to see actual readings and responses used during a traditional meal, I recommend the Messianic Family Haggadah (available in Kindle and paperback on Amazon) designed for Christians.

I pray that this celebration will be meaningful for you and your loved ones.

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Note on the “Passover Problem”: The famous Last Supper of Jesus in the early first century was a Passover meal according to Matthew, Mark, and Luke. However, Jesus is said to have been crucified at the same time that the Jews were sacrificing lambs for their Passover meals. This has led some scholars to claim that the Last Supper was not an actual Passover meal. However, there is evidence to suggest that the Galilean Jews celebrated Passover on a different calendar than those in Jerusalem who seem to have adopted Babylonian calendar methods while in captivity. These calendar variances allowed Jesus, who was from Galilee, to celebrate the Passover with his disciples, as well as institute Communion. After this, he was arrested and sentenced to death then crucified at the very time that lambs were being slaughtered for the Jerusalem Passover meal. You can find a thorough thorough explanation of this so-called “Passover Problem” in The Mystery of the Last Supper by Colin Humphreys.

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