Berry Sweet Salad Recipe

The below recipe incorporates the Christmas colors of red and green and makes an easy, delicious salad. Visit our Christmas Symbols page to learn more about the symbolism and meaning of red and green at Christmas.

berry sweet saladIngredients:

Romaine lettuce
Frozen Raspberries
Slivered Almonds
Strawberry Syrup*


1. Warm slivered almonds in a pan over medium heat.

2. Add 1 T. of sugar for every 1/4 c. of almonds. Stir until sugar becomes a golden brown liquid and begins to coat almonds. Pour almonds onto aluminum foil and allow to cool (sugar will harden).

3. Toss lettuce with frozen raspberries and almonds. Drizzle with strawberry syrup.

*To make your own berry syrup, combine 1 cup berry juice (100% juice), 2/3 cup sugar, and 2 t. cornstarch in a saucepan. Bring to a rolling boil, stirring often. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Place in refrigerator to chill.

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